AJ Sheet Metal is absolutely humbled and thankful that we have again been awarded the
2017 Reader's Choice Award! We always do try to do our very best for our customers. Thank you, thank you, thank you! |

The annual photo of one of owners with some pretty girls!......Oh I mean with the Nebraskaland Days Rodeo Queen contestants. As you can see Steen really hates having to do this!!! Seriously....AJ's IS Proud to be a sponsor of this great part of Nebraskaland Days every year. Get out and see the rodeo folks! |

Congratulations Jolene Schauer on your new Green Mountain Grill AND on winning the Telegraph's Holiday Recipe contest!
AJ Sheet Metal is proud to be a sponsor of the North Platte Telegraph's annual Holiday Recipe Contest. This is a photo of the grand prize winner Jolene Schauer with one of our owners, Steen Nichols. Jolene's chicken enchiladas took the prize...which as you can see is a brand new Green Mountain Daniel Boone grill. Jolene stated that she'd been wanting a smoker and had researched smokers grills and had decided to get a green mountain. She was pretty excited to be receiving one for her great enchiladas!! Congratulations Jolene! |
Today the team at AJ Sheet Metal joined in Painting The Town Pink, a project started by our local NBC affiliate, KNOP TV. Even some of the guys wore pink....here are a few facts about breast cancer you may not know. With breast cancer awareness getting better the rate of deaths from breast cancer has been decreasing since 1990. There are currently 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. More than 85% of breast cancers diagnosed today there was NO history of it in the family previously, Breast cancer diagnosis increases with age, women over the age of 60 have a 1 in 29 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Pain in the breast is not a normal symptom of breast cancer...which is of course one of the main reasons that screening is so important! Encourage a female you love to be sure to get screened! |


Travis Dugger and Travis Morrissey with the awards we received from Raynor Garage Doors. I know Travis D would want to remind you that winter is around the corner -NOW is the time to call and get your new American Made Raynor Garage door installed before the snow flies!! |
We are excited to have received this award from Raynor Garage Doors. Again we have a very proud history at AJ Overhead Door. Thank you to Raynor and the AJ Overhead Door team both past and present! |
AJ Sheet Metal was involved with the summer long promotion through Husker Radio - giving away 3 Kamako Grills. This is the third winner...Dean Dike picking up his grill last week! Congratulations to all of our winners..Remember AJ's is your local- PELLET/SMOKER GRILL HEADQUARTERS! |